On Tue, Apr 03, 2018 at 04:05:44PM +0200, Leo Unglaub wrote:
> Hey,
> > see "IPv6 broken on Hetzner.de vServer OpenBSD 6.3 / amd64" on bugs@
> > 
> > I'm pretty sure hetzner sets a static route to your link local address for
> > the /64 they assign to you.
> > 
> > Since the the link local address changes with RFC 7217 you blackhole the 
> > /64...
> you are right. It works fine when I disable RFC 7217 via -soii in my
> hostname.* file. I am going to open a ticket with Hetzner so that they can
> fix there routing. Because i asume using the -soii will not be a solution
> for the next couple of years.

Hang on, what Hetzner is doing is not wrong.

I currently discussing with phessler@ if it's better to revert RFC
7217 for link local addresses and only leave it for global addresses.

> Thanks for helping me!
> Greetings
> Leo

I'm not entirely sure you are real.

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