Ray Lai wrote:
On Wed, Feb 01, 2006 at 11:37:19PM -0500, Daniel Ouellet wrote:
This way, continuous live mirroring can be done and no need for cronjob, etc. And this would be much more efficient as well.


Thanks for this! It is rather interesting for sure, but still not fully provide what I would like to do and I am not sure of the following as well.

- Mirroring on multiple servers, more then 2. Man page said you need an even amount of devices, fair, but all I read look like indicate it would mirror a to b and that's it, even if a could be maid of multiples drives if you like, so two copy is the limit.

- On servers reboot, (master or slaves) unknown stage after restart and I am not sure you could consider the data proper here. The only way I guess would be to destroy the ccd, recreate it and put the data back, but then, very long down time.

- Now on remote server, the point is to be able to use the data locally. Master -> slaves. Meaning multiple slaves where the source is one, live mirroring on multiple slaves and usage of local data to be served locally from there own local copy of the mirror. If I understand this properly, I am not sure you possibly mount that file part of the ccd device from the master on the local (slave server) and use the data as normal. I would say no.

I am not saying this is a bad idea to use ccd, but reading for the last few hours on it, I am not sure it would fit the needs. But I sure could be wrong.

Been able to add more mirrors at will is a plus and have each mirror be a simple OpenBSD setup for reliability is important.

Plus looks like all would need to be done via nfs and if I could avoid it, I would prefer that for security reason. I much prefer using ssh for all communications between servers. But again, may be I overlook nfs as the last time I used it, was many years ago for these same reasons.

Never the less, I very much appreciate your suggestion for sure and it maid very interesting reading tonight.

I will however try this for fun and see what I get from it. It deserve at a minimum that.


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