
I could not find mount_smbfs in the base OS anymore, no packages like it?

What is currently the recommended samba share mount tool for OpenBSD?

I have tried usmb, it works but slow:

time dd bs=1M count=1000 if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/smb/big
1000+0 records in
1000+0 records out
1048576000 bytes transferred in 56.149 secs (18674606 bytes/sec)

real    0m56.405s
user    0m0.010s
sys     0m4.810s

While direct disk write on the samba server which is Debian Wheezy:

time dd if=/dev/zero of=big2 bs=1M count=1000
1000+0 records in
1000+0 records out
1048576000 bytes (1.0 GB) copied, 1.07052 s, 980 MB/s

real    0m1.073s
user    0m0.000s
sys     0m1.068s

Takes like 1 second, I have repeated the test couple of times and come up with the same numbers that it is almost 60x times slower to write out a file through samba.

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