I run several services on the same host and would like to consolidate
certificate management with the help of relayd.

- acme-client generates certificates via LE
- kibana running https on port 5601
- unifi running https on port 8443
- httpd running http+https on port 80
- daily.local script to install new certs and restart all services
when LE updates

- register new LE domains for kibana and unifi
- switch kibana and unifi back to running http on localhost
- relayd transparently terminates all https and demuxes to http
service based on Host header
- daily.local has much fewer services to manage

First off, is this even possible with relayd?

Second, I am having difficulty grokking how to structure my
relayd.conf.  Will I need one relay and protocol block for EACH
service?  Do I need a pf.conf anchor if I am only using relay

Lastly and perhaps indicative of my difficulties, I am having
difficulty building (or debugging) even a single host as
proof-of-concept using the config below.  The relayd daemon starts
just fine, loading symlinked <addr>.crt and <addr>.key files.  (Should
I be using the fullchain.pem instead?)

Behavior seems to vary based on client / environment - I have seen
both wget and curl complain about certificate verification (relaying
to :80), while curl on a different box reported an empty reply from
the server after timeout (relaying to

Hints or clue sticks would be most appreciated.


### relayd.conf

http protocol wwwproto {
        tcp { nodelay, sack, socket buffer 65536, backlog 128 }
        # seen in example, not sure of purpose
        match request header set "Connection" value "close"
        # notify client if relay failed
        return error
        # reject unknown hosts by default
        # traffic for httpd, forward
        pass request header "Host" value "example.com"
        pass request header "Host" value "www.example.com"

relay wwwrelay {
        listen on em1 port 443 tls
        protocol wwwproto
        transparent forward to lo port http

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