On Sun, Apr 29, 2018 at 06:45:11AM -0400, mabi wrote:
> Hello,
> I just read the OpenBSD vmm/vmd Update slides from Mike Larkin and have the 
> following 2 questions.
> - it is mentioned that RHEL/CentOS is now supported and was wondering if Suse 
> is also already supported or if it is planned? I had a try at SLES 12 as a 
> guest on OpenBSD 6.3 but after the "Welcome to GRUB!" message on the console 
> it is stuck.
> - when enabling "vmctl log verbose" where do the log entries go? I checked 
> /var/log/messages and daemon but did not see more verbose output while 
> starting a vm. Or what would I do if I want to investigate further why a VM 
> is stuck?
> And by the way a big applause to those working on vmm/vmd for your great 
> effort!
> Regards,
> Mabi


Linux guest "support" is mainly accomplished by folks contributing code.
For example, the RHEL/CentOS piece was about those installers needing a
CD-ROM to boot, so that code was added. (Suse should work).

Two things to note when installing guests:
1) There is no VGA output and as such, the console must be specified at
boot to use serial output.  This would appear similarly to your

2) Sometimes the console can get "stuck" and seem unresponsive and on
the host you'll see the vm spin the cpu.  Simply detaching the console
(man cu(1)), waiting a bit, and re-attach resolves it.  However, if
you're able to run -current, I would advise that you do so since there
were considerable amount of improvements to vmm/vmd done at p2k18, where
among them was console responsiveness.

For your verbose logging, the messages should be present in
/var/log/daemon.  However, when I'm debugging vmd, I typically start it
on the command line ala `vmd -dvvv`.


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