----- On Apr 30, 2018, at 5:46 PM, Ken MacKenzie k...@mack-z.com wrote:

> Is there a recommended best practice when setting up an environment with
> python
> virtualenv with regards to wxallowed.

I use a specific directory in /usr/local which is very close to your option 2:

# mkdir -p /usr/local/virtualenvs/{your users here}
$ virtualenv /usr/local/virtualenvs/my_user/new_project
$ source /usr/local/virtualenvs/my_user/new_project/bin/activate

virtualenvwwrapper also helps in this case

> My typical workflow is under my home directory I have a
> dev/language/project/.venv type structure. I guess the simple solution is to
> mount /home as wxallowed in /etc/fstab, but is that truly the preferred way.
> Seems to make a new attack surface for anything in home.
> The other option I am thinking is to create a dev-username location in
> /usr/local somewhere and then ln -s that into my home structure accordingly.
> Since I am new to OpenBSD I figured I would ask first and did not find much
> on
> this topic other than third parties that seem to want to casually just add
> home
> to wxallowed.
> Thanks in advance for any guidance,
> Ken

Marco Bonetti

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