On Thu, May 03, 2018 at 02:02:48PM +0200, Jan Vlach wrote:
> > kettenis@ may know more, I think he knows about this issue already. It's 
> > just
> > a missing piece of the standard we didn't implement yet. An AML dump may
> > be useful, yes.
> > 
> > -ml
> > 
> Hello Mike,
> just have installed FreeBSD11.1 on the PowerEdge R440 to get acpidump & debug
> info. I've followed
> https://docs.freebsd.org/doc/5.5-RELEASE/usr/share/doc/handbook/acpi-debug.html.
> The files are available at: https://synchronicity.cz/bsd/ 
> Full archive at: https://synchronicity.cz/bsd/R440-FreeBSD.tar.gz
> ### FILES
> FreeBSD11.1.aml # iasl -f FreeBSD11.1.asl 
> FreeBSD11.1.asl # acpidump -t -d > FreeBSD11.1.aml
> FreeBSD11.1.dsl # iasl -d  FreeBSD11.1.asl
> devinfo-rv.txt # devinfo -rv 
> devinfo-v.txt # devinfo -v 
> dmesg-FreeBSD11.1.txt # dmesg
> hw.acpi.txt # sysctl hw.acpi
> iasl-FreeBSD11.1.asl.txt # iasl console output
> iasl-f.log # iasl -f log
> pciconf-lv.txt # pciconf -lv 
> pciconv-l.txt # pciconv -l
> sysctl-a.txt # syscl -a
> usbconfig.txt # usbconfig
> Is anything else needed/necessary? Is the `iasl -f` command what you meant by 
> getting an
> AML dump?
> Thank you, 
> Jan

What you posted to the URL above should probably be enough to get started, for
whomever decides to take on the challenge. At least for the time being, that's
not me. And not having access to the hardware makes it even less interesting :)

I grabbed the .tar.gz from above, in case the link dies, in case anyone later
needs the files.


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