On Fri, May 18, 2018 at 03:31:51PM +0200, Karel Gardas wrote:
> On Fri, 18 May 2018 02:30:13 -0400
> Joseph Mayer <joseph.ma...@protonmail.com> wrote:
> > 4-core (5-core?) 1.5Ghz, 8GB DDR4 ECC RAM, two PCIe slots (one one-lane
> > and one two-lane PCIe 2.0?), SATA, gigabit ethernet, microSD, HDMI,
> > UART.
> > 
> > https://www.sifive.com/products/hifive-unleashed/
> > 
> > https://www.crowdsupply.com/microsemi/hifive-unleashed-expansion-board
> > 
> > 21 more available in lower link, to the lower right.
> > 
> > Great to see it happen finally.
> Indeed! RISC-V is making progress. For plain programmers this is probably not 
> yet the right set of hardware as (1) system spec of RISC-V is not finalized 
> yet (IIRC!) and (2) speed of the board CPU is probably lower than speed of 
> Qemu emulation on high-speed xeon CPU.
> Also, w.r.t. price, it's a bit prohibitive indeed. IIRC promise was to have 
> both boards on one board and for ~$1000 but I may be mistaken on this. 
> Anyway, this is just first bird and I hope there will be more comming. 
> Especially the promises of Esperanto Technologies look really promising. 
> Future is open and interesting!


RISCV really interests me!  But the porting effort for this is probably
above my head.  In the past in risc-v threads I posted a riscv-qemu build
procedure.  I revisited this today and followed my own steps.  After a bit
of trying I finally got it compiled.  I blogged about this experience:


Realistically if you want to run BSD on RISCV you can do it through this
way.  You don't need to buy the hardware, unless you're seriously good with
porting.  My emulation was on FreeBSD, thanks to those folks for makign a
bbl available (so I don't have to install FreeBSD and crosscompile).

Best Regards,

PS: I've been following Talos 2 as well, and really like it but again, that's
the same as with the RISCV issue, I lack the clue to port this.  I'm going
to learn about RISCV assembly first and then perhaps learn about POWER
assembly, perhaps I can build a compiler.  (I have access to POWER hardware,
but will need to ask permission).  Once that is done I'm ready to help
with any porting effort *laugh*.  That's if I don't give up along the way.

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