I'm trying to upgrade a trivial config:

        table aliases file:/etc/mail/aliases

        listen on lo0 inet4
        limit mta inet4
        bounce-warn 1d

        accept from local for any relay via

    The aliases file contains, aside from the defaults:

        root:   daia
        daia:   daia@[]

    Basically this machine shouldn't receive mail, and all messages
generated locally should be relayed to a certain user at some other
machine.  This has worked well for a few years.

    My naive attempt to achieve the same with the new syntax doesn't

        table aliases file:/etc/mail/aliases

        listen on lo0 inet4
        set bounce warn-interval 1d

        action "local" mbox alias <aliases>
        action "relay" relay host

        match for local action "local"
        match from local for any action "relay"

    This delivers locally generated messages to the local user "daia",
the forward alias "daia@[]" is ignored.

    Commenting out the "match for local" line doesn't work either: it
relays messages to the remote machine, but obviously aliases are not

    Other combinations involving expand-only, forward-only, and virtual
are mentioned by name, without being actually documented in any obvious
place.  So, is there any way to make this work again?


    Liviu Daia

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