Thanks a bunch fella's.

I got TLS working. Except for the fact that I cannot use port 587 in
(yes I know) Outlook Express. If I keep it at port 25, everything runs
like a charm. The server is listening on port tcp 587. However, the
connection get's shut right after the first connect. Perhaps it's an
Outlook Express bug. I'll test it with firefox tomorrow.

Thanks again.


-----Original Message-----
From: Kurt Mosiejczuk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: vrijdag 3 februari 2006 22:31
Subject: Re: SpamD, Postfix and mobile users

Bob Beck wrote:

>       This is the right solution for roaming users, and is why I will
> make spamd ever have a notion of sasl :)

>       It is also, exactly, what we do here. Our users use port 587 for

> this, NOT port 25

Doing it this way also helps those users who have ISPs who block
outbound port 25 traffic.  (Of which I have a number)


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