On Friday 03 February 2006 18:12, Jason Houx wrote:

> I know you guys are busy working on what will become OpenBSD 3.9 so in no
> way do I mean to distract, but is anyone working on a OpenPIMd concept on
> the side (like you guys really need more side projects) or is there any
> hope for a OpenPIMd in the future (similar to a OpenOSPFd and OpenBGPd).

Yes, tiny baby steps has been taking in order to startup a OpenPIMD project, 
but don't hold your breath...

Step one would probably be a PIM-DM, later on it can be expanded to support 

If any one are interested in this sort of thing please chip in.

> I'm going to start playing with DVMRP now that I see I can use mrouted
> with our current PIM routers and hopefull get a tunnel up to transport the
> multicast traffic to a OpenBSD gateway.  This doesn't create a PIM router
> but it does give me more features to learn/play with on OpenBSD which is
> always a goal of mine.

I use mrouted myself on OpenBSD routers, and I really really want to replace 

If you want to play, mrouted is good enough - I mainly use it for multicast 
video streaming, and IPerf multicast test streams.


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