On Sun, Feb 05, 2006 at 01:22:03PM -0800, Edward Ray wrote:
> I have been toying with the idea of using OpenBGPD because my PoS 3640 route
> does not have enough RAM to support full routing tables.  I am still stuck
> with the 3640 as the gateway for the 4-bonded-T1s coming into my network,
> but I would like to put a OpenBSD machine between it and my hardware
> firewall(s) so that I can get the full routing tables and eventually
> multi-home with another ISP.
> I have read the presentations by Henning Brauer at
> http://www.openbgpd.org/papers.html; it seems pretty straightforward to set
> up.  I would appreciate any advice or words of wisdom from those people who
> use OpenBGPD.  I plan to use a PIII 1GHz or better with 1 GB of RAM; should
> be enough for full routing tables and enough room for routing table
> expansion as the Internet grows.

A PIII 1GHz with 1GB of RAM should be sufficent. I'm toying with a Via C3
with 512MB RAM that has more or less 10 full feeds. The RDE uses about
200MB of RAM. Even soekrises where used to do BGPD testing but then we
limited us to not more than 2 full feeds.

:wq Claudio

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