Charles Sprickman wrote:
Hello all,

I'm still not able to get OpenBSD 3.4->3.8 loaded on my old firewall box. It either freezes or panics when probing (or creating?) "rd0", which I assume is the ramdisk used in the install. It runs 3.3 fine.

So rather than just asking some random questions, I'd like to know how to save a dump when booting off of the install CD. I do have a serial console available (set tty com0). If getting a dump isn't possible, I'd then like to know how to get into the kernel debugger.

I figure that I can gather information that's more helpful this way.

You aren't going to get nor save a dump when booting off the install CD. You really don't want a panicked kernel writing to your good data disks, do you?

The install kernels don't have all the bells and whistles of the production kernel, that's how they fit on floppies and such.

Use your serial cable to capture the output of the boot process. THAT will tell us much more about your hardware.

A completely Wild A..ed Guess, based on the symptoms, you may have way too little RAM for the newer kernels (16M will get you running still, but 32M is a practical minimum) and floating point emulation broke after 3.3 on i386 (translation: no more 486sx or 80386 w/o 80387 support). If I were to bet, I'd say you probably have no FPU on your machine.


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