It should work as otherwise outlined in the FAQ. The softraid partition is 
marked as RAID when you check with disklabel. Let's say that patrtition is 
sd2a. In that case run

# bioctl -c C -l /dev/sd2a softraid0

It will ask you for the encryption password and then tell you what device it 
assigned it to, for example sd3.

Then just mount whatever you need on sd3

On August 2, 2018 10:06:41 PM UTC, Felix Maschek <> wrote:
>I've used a full encrypted HDD (created as described in the OpenBSD
>on a broken system and want to backup some data from it.
>I've assembled this HDD into an external USB case and want to mount the
>HDD on another system. How can I mount this HDD? Needless to say that I
>know the passphrase...
>Kind regards

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