I will have to update ServerName each time I get a new IP address.

Dave Feustel

i have been running apache on openbsd since 2.9 on a dynamic IP and have
never had to do any of this.
#grep ServerName /var/www/conf/httpd.conf
ServerName neotrance.dyndns.org

If you get your IP dynamically from you ISP, your IP can potentially change every max-lease-time

This will handle the pesty case of your IP changing.

1. dyndns.org - get a free subdomain to map to your IP. 2. ddclient package - updates your DNS whenever your IP changes. Although the package just copies over the perl script, I add a user/group _ddclient. If you are still running 3.8-release, consider creating a folder /etc/ddclient, chown / chgrp and move the conf , cache and pid file to that folder. -current already does this for you (at least, the folder part. I don't think the @newuser, @newgroup will be added since people not running in daemon mode don't need it)

before you ask, -current's dhclient does not support hooks.
-Keith Richardson

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