* Karl Austin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-02-06 11:39]:
> Hi,
> I've just upgraded a box to the 3.9 Snapshot from 30th January and now 
> whenever bgpd tries to open a session with a Extreme BlackDiamond it 
> reports the following:
> received notification: error in OPEN message, optional parameter error
> This was all working fine with a 3.8 snapshot before. Anyone else had 
> similar issue, a Google and Newsnet didn't turn up anything and I don't 
> recall seeing anything on-list either. I'm aware that the BD is probably 
> doing something it shouldn't be in terms of sticking to the RFCs, but 
> non-the-less, it did work before.

we are announcing something to the BD it does not like. a tcpdump 
(increase snaplen, like, tcpdump -vvv -n -s 1500 port 179) would help,
and you can play with announce IPv6/IPv6 in the config, and, as last 
resort, "announce capabilities no". But I'd really prefer to debug this 
properly, maybe we need to change something in he way we announce 
capabilites by default.
also, check logs on the other side.

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