On Mon, Feb 06, 2006 at 09:07:59AM -0600, Matthew S Elmore wrote:
> Greetings misc@,
> I am using rdist (with ssh as the transport) to update files from one 
> machine to another.
> This works fine, except that it does not send the notify message once it 
> is complete. When running rdist from the command line, it hangs here:
> $ sudo rdist -o remove -f /etc/Distfile.notifytest
> testhost: updating host testhost
> testhost: notify @testhost ( test@test.com )
> (obviously I swapped out users and hosts for this mail)
> When this happens I see sendmail in the process list:
> 11497 p0  I+      0:00.02 /usr/sbin/sendmail -oi -t
> But the mail never sends.
> Here is the distfile:
> HOSTS = ( testhost )
> FILES = (
>         /etc/resolv.conf
>         )
> default:
> ${FILES} -> ${HOSTS}
>         notify test@test.com ;

Reproducible here (3.8-stable/i386), using postfix instead of sendmail.


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