Am 09/05/18 um 14:37 schrieb Stefan Sperling:

Hi Stefan!

> On Wed, Sep 05, 2018 at 01:39:53PM +0200, Stefan Wollny wrote:
>> After a 'sh /etc/netstart' 'ifconfig gives me the following:
>>         lladdr 80:fa:5b:14:xx:yy
>>         index 1 priority 4 llprio 3
>>         trunk: trunkdev trunk0
>>         groups: wlan
>>         media: IEEE802.11 autoselect (HT-MCS0 mode 11n)
>>         status: no network
>>         ieee80211: join <SSID> chan 36 bssid 84:b2:61:96:aa:bb 83%
>> wpaprotos wpa2 wpaakms 802.1x wpaciphers ccmp wpagroupcipher ccmp
>> ...
>> trunk0: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
>>         lladdr 80:fa:5b:14:xx:yy
>>         index 7 priority 0 llprio 3
>>         trunk: trunkproto failover
>>                 trunkport iwm0
>>                 trunkport re0 master
>>         groups: trunk
>>         media: Ethernet autoselect
>>         status: no carrier
>> Only after I had commented the join-line for this network I was able to
>> reattach to my mobile phone's net.
> Let me guess: Your mobile phone is on a 2 GHz channel (1-13)?


> If that is true, then the AP on channel 36 (5 GHz) with good RSSI (83%)
> will always win because this is how join was taught to make decisions:
>  * Given two APs, determine the "better" one of the two.
>  * We compute a score based on the following attributes:o
>  *
>  *  crypto: wpa2 > wpa1 > wep > open
>  *  band: 5 GHz > 2 GHz provided 5 GHz rssi is above threshold
>  *  rssi: rssi1 > rssi2 as a numeric comparison with a slight
>  *         disadvantage for 2 GHz APs
>  *
>  * Crypto carries most weight, followed by band, followed by rssi.

Another fine example of OpenBSD's philosophy of "sane defaults"!

>> Attaching to this particular net would be helpful - saves some time
>> avoiding workaraounds...
> You can use 'ifconfig iwm0 nwid phone' to override auto-join decisions
> and always attach to a network called 'phone'. To re-enable automatic
> network selection you can use: ifconfig iwm0 -nwid
Thank you for the hint - I have tried it before but did wrong as
now it "just works".


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