Thanks very much to Stewart and Josh.  My new little beast is on the net now 
and everything seems to work.  Now the W541 can go to the hospital as I leave 
mine. (-;

STeve Andre'

On Sep 11, 2018, 06:16, at 06:16, Stuart Henderson <> wrote:
>On 2018-09-11, STeve Andre' <> wrote:
>> My main laptop is going south on me and I'm trying to get an
>alternate thinkpad working.  Adding to my joy is that I'm in the
>hospital currently.
>> I have a stock X220.  What firmware file do I want for -current? 
>Sorry for the question but I plead antibiotics!  Most frustrating not
>having access to normal items.
>> Thank you all...
>> STeve Andre'
>Files for -current are at
>"fw_update -i" will tell you which ones you need.
>If you need to load them from USB stick or similar to get wlan working,
>you can use fw_update -p /path/to/files.

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