On Wed, Sep 26, 2018 at 1:54 PM, Per-Olov Sjöholm <p...@incedo.org> wrote:
> Hi
> I want to receive 2 IPs that are mine from the ISP (I have to supply 2 MACs) 
> over DHCP. They have a problem letting me add them permanent without dhcp as 
> their snooping blocks my connection if not using dhcp.
> I want to use just one physical interface as I do not have more 10Gbit 
> interfaces to spare. Also I want to use fake virtual MAC so I can switch 
> hardware without contacting the ISP.
> Is it possible in OpenBSD to create sub interfaces with different MACs on 
> them and use dhcp for both? How?
> In linux I think it can be done as:
> ip link add link eth0 address 00:11:11:11:11:11 eth0.1 type macvlan
> ifconfig eth0.1 up
> dhclient -v eth0.1
> ip link add link eth0 address 00:11:11:11:11:12 eth0.2 type macvlan
> ifconfig eth0.2 up
> dhclient -v eth0.2
> Is it possible to something similar to
> /etc/hostname.ix3
> up
> /etc/hostname.ix3:1
> !ifconfig SUBINT VIRTUAL_NEW_MAC SUBDEV $if Public IP  1”
> !dhclient ix3:1
> /etc/hostname.ix3:2
> !ifconfig SUBINT VIRTUAL_NEW_MAC SUBDEV $if Public IP  2”
> !dhclient ix3:2
> If so… What should they look like. Note that I want to provide the ISP the 
> virtual MACs and not the cards physical MAC…

Here is an old post of mine explaining what sounds like your exact
setup for the same reason:

I did get most of it working, but it was a long time ago and I never
used the router in "real life". I had issues communicating between the
domains. I'm not sure if those examples are good or bad but it could
be a starting point.

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