Hello, I am a Linux (Slackware) fan who is keen to try the BSD flavour as
well. I am planning to buy a new laptop, on which to install OpenBSD and
DragonFly BSD in a dual boot set up. I know this is a challenging task,
so I will proceed step by step. 

My first question is, which operating system has to be installed first,
DragonFly of OpenBSD? Assuming that it is DragonFly,  I am planning to:

  1.  Load DragonFly using a USB boot disk and login as root

  2. Slice the hard drive in two GPT slices using gpt (e.g., das0 and

  3. Create a, b, and d disklabel partitions on the Dragonfly slice

  4. Install DragonFly on das0

  5. Create a, b, d, e, and probably some more disklabel partitions on
    the OpenBSD slice (das1)

  6. Install OpenBSD on das1

Please correct me on any of the above steps. I will be happy to read your
suggestions. I would be very thankful if you provide the corresponding
commands in your answers.
Thank you very much in advance!

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