Am 10.10.18 um 14:58 schrieb Peter N. M. Hansteen:
> On Wed, Oct 10, 2018 at 02:48:24PM +0200, Stefan Wollny wrote:
>> I'd like to set up PF to forward this port (25565) without a pre-defined
>>  IP as macro as the dhcpd.conf has a line defining tables for abandoned
>> ("-A"), changed ("-C") and present leases ("-L"). According to man
>> dhcpd(8) those tables may be used with PF. But how??? I couldn't find
>> examples.
>> Do I have to tell PF about these tables in pf.conf? Or don't I need
>> these tables at all?
> You do need to include the tables in your pf.conf. I'm a bit surprised
> the example at did not show up in 
> your search.
> - P
YES - this is exactly what I've been looking for!
(I use Google via '' - maybe this makes a difference???)

Thank you very much, Peter. BTW: Am I this blind that I oversaw this in
your book??? I had it with me on the train yesterday but I didn't see
this solution. Will take a 20th look tonight.

'Thank you' again for so much help here on the list, but as well for the
fine book!


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