
The end of the year is approaching and I'm looking around for new projects.  Currently I have two projects that i'M active on, but willing to put them on the back burner come new years for a POP3s daemon.  The reason I want a pop3s daemon is because I want something pledged and unveil'ed with privsep and high security (all the while using libressl).

Now having said that OpenBSD had a non-ssl'ed pop3 daemon once but it was moved away I gather.  Where would I find the source to this?  Is it worth it taking design hints from that daemon? Obviously I want it written in C with possibly a small YACC parser but a pop3s daemon doesn't need much configuration I gather.  I once watched a friend in 1998 write a POP3 daemon but it doesn't cut it under todays security theatre demands, plus I wouldn't know where to get that source and he's deceased on top of that.

Currently I'm using POP3s with dovecot on a small vps for me and my family.  We're pretty much happy but I'm starting to get worried about the lacking pledge and unveil in that package.



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