Well then, I'll take a look at you suggestion, Joachim, seems reasonable.
Too bad most developers actually *prefer* FTP over ssh, so it's going to be
difficult to convince them. Well, looks like I'll just have to implement...
get used to it anyway =)

Talking about the Apache2 port, as soon as I get the grasp of porting
software to OpenBSD I'll try to do that, would be quite helpful.

Erm... just a lazy question, but lighttpd has support for DAV?

On 2/8/06, Joachim Schipper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 07, 2006 at 11:05:44PM -0200, Felipe Scarel wrote:
> > Since it's an open source project in which anyone can commit to the
> > repository anytime, it's not possible to add each and every user as a
> > system user.  Instead, we're using Plone to write user information on
> > the htaccess-style file that Subversion reads.
> >
> > However, I guess I'm going to use your strategy on another server that
> > is not wide open to commits, looks more than enough.
> >
> > Anyway, an Apache2 port wouldn't be a bad idea... I'll study some more
> > and try to work on that on the near future.
> There is no need for that, really. Use public key authentication, one
> key per person, and a .ssh/authorized_keys file that looks like this,
> minus line breaks and empty lines and with actual public keys:
> command="umask 027; svnserve -t --tunnel-user=joachim -r
> /var/svn",no-port-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-pty
> ssh-rsa $pubkey_joachim [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> command="umask 027; svnserve -t --tunnel-user=felipe -r
> /var/svn",no-port-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-pty
> ssh-rsa $pubkey_felipe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> It's quite neat, and no neat for Apache 2. Setting up a session might be
> slightly quicker in Apache, but data throughput might be equal. Or not -
> I don't know if mod_dav_svn does any caching, and I've never benchmarked
> it.
> And if you keep an ssh session open (ControlMaster and so on, see
> ssh_config(5)), I'd imagine it being quite a bit faster under a normal
> usage pattern for a developer (lots of connections, exchanging litte
> data each time).
>                 Joachim


  Felipe Brant Scarel
  PATUX/OpenBSD Project Leader (http://www.patux.cic.unb.br)

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