On 11/20/18 8:11 PM, Chris Bennett wrote:
On Tue, Nov 20, 2018 at 02:24:55PM -0500, Nick Holland wrote:
On 11/20/18 11:43, Chris Bennett wrote:
Unfortunately, if you have performance requirements, your choices are
AMD and Intel.  Older Intel and AMD chips aren't getting any support to
deal with these problems, so your choices are incredibly old chips which
are probably not in the most reliable hardware, and a whole bunch of
other old, unreliable, and slow hardware platforms.  But be realistic.
Your bosses will probably mandate a VM on someone else's hw, a wordpress
website, one box for everything, and that you give him the root password
which he'll e-mail to himself to keep it "secure".  Your most likely
breach points will be an easily guessed password (usually, a manager's),
a bug in a web content management system, or someone believing that
"secure e-mail" is a thing.  In other words, Same Old Shit.  It probably
won't be breached by a Spectre or Meltdown-like attack.  But it MIGHT
be.  Obsessing about them is generally missing the real day-to-day risks.

Does no one at all use OpenBSD for anything but making money or looking
Does no one at all do any kind of work for charity?
Is there some virus going around that makes everyone so hostile?

Why assume that I have some idiotic boss that wants to fuck things up?
Did it ever occur to you that I might be doing this work for free?
Did it ever occur to you that the organization might be doing major
disaster relief from all of the recent hurricanes devastating the
Southern US. That they might be helping to protect first responders
doing wellness checks on homes? That they might be stopping homes and
businesses from being looted?
That the primary members of the organization are law enforcement,
paramedics and veterans?

But hey, if I can't fill up my bank account, I guess the usage of
OpenBSD is discouraged.

I don't think the response was assumed as such. It just is that there are so many issues with corporate politics and higher ups thinking they know things that gives OpenSource software a bad rep! Even once people didn't understand what OpenSource was and asked me what I did while 'working at OpenSource' lol

As to different H/W yes there are still some different systems around... like IBM PowerPC P-series based systems, Oracle SPARC, I think HP's own UX capable machines are dead now; though my info could be several years out of date as I haven't dealt with this type of system in a long time.

Agreed that Cloud is a lot of corporate hype in many aspects as to lower expenditure.

Will you be building just the mail server or the whole infrastructure??

Virtually what you want to do is a good firewall protecting everything. OpenBSD excels at security so definitely recommended. As to mail server, I really think you need to research the different components first that make up the system.

Firstly for power reasons what type of usage do you estimate?

Will you be needing a separate external mail gateway?

Does your ISP offer Reverse DNS?

After that the best thing to do would be to setup a small lab with a test machine and try different setups out. Like say using Sendmail, Postfix etc.... for SMTP. Many people here have different opinions and takes on this but really it is up to you to decide what you like best and also what you need it to do - you can only find that out by testing out different things.

Then how your users will connect... IMAP, POP, HTTP?? In todays day and age IMAP is the preferred protocol but there of course are others - please do not ever mention M$ Exchange as it should be obliterated!

Once you understand the core components necessary then you will start to formulate specific questions of how/why is (x) needed etc... then answers can be more specific too but for now read a lot and test out different things to see which one fits you best :-)



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