On 11/18/18 10:35 PM, Theodore Wynnychenko wrote:
> Hello 
> I just updated to -current using a snapshot. 
> I then updated packages (pkg_add -vui), which updated courier-imap. 
> pkg_info | grep courier 
> courier-authlib-0.68.0p4 authentication library for courier 
> courier-authlib-mysql-0.68.0p3 mysql authentication module for
> courier-authLib 
> courier-imap-4.18.2p0 imap server for maildir format mailboxes 
> courier-pop3-4.18.2p0 pop3 server for maildir format mailboxes 
> courier-unicode-2.0p0 courier unicode library 
> Courier does start, and is listening for imap-ssl connections: 
> netstat -an | grep 993 
> tcp 0 0 *.993 *.* LISTEN 
> tcp6 0 0 *.993 *.* LISTEN 
what's the output of 
openssl s_client -connect $YOURIP:993

does it works without ssl ?
There were some issues recently fixed in libssl land, can you try very latest 
snapshot ?


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