On Tue, Dec 04, 2018 at 06:47:55AM +0000, Ahmad Bilal wrote:
> Hash: SHA256
> Well I wrote to Theo earlier, but still haven't received a reply from him on 
> this (Its been 4 days).
> Does anyone has any suggestions for me? I want OpenBSD due to reliability and 
> security issues. AWS is the leader in hosting market. It is only natural to 
> expect at least a FAQ or HOW-TO from openbsd team on this topic.
> Through my earlier email on this list, I found out about Antoine's github, 
> but I'm not sure how reliable he is. It is another thing, that I don't know 
> how to run shell script on EC2, to do what he suggests.
> This is a dilemma :/
> @Vijay: No need to be sorry. Its cool man. Thanks for the info.

Hi Ahmad,

OpenBSD has in the past always provided a list of developers at the end of
the Release announcement.  Please see here:


I see Antoine on the list.  I don't know if there is a distinction between
a "core developer" and a developer, they both have @openbsd.org addresses.

Another thing you could do is hunt down commit messages in the CVS.  I've
been an openbsd user for quite a long time and meeting OpenBSD devs was
sometimes surprising because I'd never dreamed that I'd run across one.

Best Regards,

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