I’m building a gateway to encrypt some traffics:

     Client —————> Gateway —————> VPN Server —————> Internet
(             ( 

[Gateway] /etc/iked.conf:

ikev2 quick active ipcomp esp \
        from to \
        local egress peer $vpn_server_ip \
        ikesa auth hmac-sha2-512 enc aes-256 prf hmac-sha2-512 group curve25519 
        childsa enc chacha20-poly130 group curve25519 \
        dstid "asgard.local"

[VPN Server] /etc/iked.conf:

ikev2 quick passive ipcomp esp \
        from to \
        local egress \
        ikesa auth hmac-sha2-512 enc aes-256 prf hmac-sha2-512 group curve25519 
        childsa enc chacha20-poly130 group curve25519 \
        dstid "blackjack.local"

The SA has been established. When I ping on VPN Server and tcpdump on 
gateway enc0 I got:

# tcpdump -envps 1500 -i enc0 -l
tcpdump: listening on enc0, link-type ENC
03:48:20.778584 (authentic,confidential): SPI 0x7f27bd3b: $vpn_server_ip > 
$gateway_ip: $vpn_server_ip > icmp: echo request (id:4656 seq:0) 
[icmp cksum ok] (ttl 255, id 60419, len 84) (ttl 50, id 59144, len 104)
03:48:21.788330 (authentic,confidential): SPI 0x7f27bd3b: $vpn_server_ip > 
$gateway_ip: $vpn_server_ip > icmp: echo request (id:4656 seq:1) 
[icmp cksum ok] (ttl 255, id 1688, len 84) (ttl 50, id 31496, len 104)

How can I route the packets from the client to the VPN server on the gateway? 
When I was using OpenVPN, I did the routing in pf.conf:

pass in quick from to ! route-to tun0
pass out quick on tun0 from to any nat-to tun0

However, there is no tunnel device created after the SA is established on 
OpenBSD. Did I miss something to create it?

Best regards,

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