hi everyone

what is the correct command to put in .Xresources for the terminus font,
the following is my Xresources file,
i've tried a few variation but all i get when i start xterm is cannot
load font,
font loading is new to me so i have only try examples off the web

XTerm*utf8: 1
! XTerm*font: -*-terminus-medium-*-*-*-18-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1
XTerm*font: terminus-12
XTerm*italicFont: terminus-12
XTerm*selectToClipboard: true

!    ! Use a nice truetype font and size by default...
!    xterm*faceName: DejaVu Sans Mono Book
!    xterm*faceSize: 11

xterm*loginshell: true

xterm*savelines: 16384

! double-click to select whole URLs :D
xterm*charClass: 33:48,36-47:48,58-59:48,61:48,63-64:48,95:48,126:48
XTerm*on3Clicks: regex
*VT100*translations: #override Shift <Btn1Up>:
exec-formatted("google-chrome '%t'", PRIMARY)

! DOS-box colours...
!    xterm*foreground: rgb:a8/a8/a8
    xterm*foreground: rgb:ff/ff/00
    xterm*background: rgb:00/00/00
    xterm*color0: rgb:00/00/00
    xterm*color1: rgb:a8/00/00
    xterm*color2: rgb:00/a8/00
    xterm*color3: rgb:a8/54/00
    xterm*color4: rgb:00/00/a8
    xterm*color5: rgb:a8/00/a8
    xterm*color6: rgb:00/a8/a8
    xterm*color7: rgb:a8/a8/a8
    xterm*color8: rgb:54/54/54
    xterm*color9: rgb:fc/54/54
    xterm*color10: rgb:54/fc/54
    xterm*color11: rgb:fc/fc/54
    xterm*color12: rgb:54/54/fc
    xterm*color13: rgb:fc/54/fc
    xterm*color14: rgb:54/fc/fc
    xterm*color15: rgb:fc/fc/fc

! right hand side scrollbar...
    xterm*rightScrollBar: true
    xterm*ScrollBar: true

! stop output to terminal from jumping down to bottom of scroll again
    xterm*scrollTtyOutput: false


thanks shadrock

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