On Sun, Jan 13, 2019 at 6:13 AM Bryan Harris <br...@sally.org.il> wrote:

> Is there also a difference when creating a file in a folder with set GID
> bit on that folder and owned by secondary group? I think in normal
> behavior, if folder allows a user to create a file (sec. group w/ 770
> perm.) then the new file group will not take the group of the folder but
> will take the group of the user's primary group. But if you have set GID
> bit then the new file will take the group of the folder it's in (which
> will be one of the user's secondary groups).
> I thought in OpenBSD there is also a flag to mount the filesystem to
> always do this regardless of set GID but I can't remember. I don't see
> it in the man page so maybe with all of this I'm really thinking of
> Linux but I can't remember.

Nope.  OpenBSD always uses the BSD behavior.  The use of the SGID bit on
directories to request BSD behavior was an addition in SystemV-based
systems when enough of their devs and users yelled at them to Not Be Stupid
And Provide the Better Behavior.  I'm not sure who or when first added the
mount option.  Linux certainly has both of those, but is not the only one.

Philip Guenther

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