On 2019-01-24, Luis Coronado <lcoron...@ticoit.com> wrote:
> What machines (brand/model/specs) do you guys
> use to create the releases/snapshots for i386? I am curious to find out if
> possible as I would think that the bigger boxes out there even though could
> have more than 4G of RAM the extra would go unused.
> I recently got a few old 32 bit servers and thought about building my own
> snapshots just because is cool to do that. Not that matters exactly what
> the project uses but I am sure you guys expect to have a build ready in a
> reasonable time.
> Thanks
> -luis

Brand/model/etc is not really relevant (not super new but not dinosaurs) -
but they are real machines not VMs and yes the extra RAM does go unused.

FWIW when I do a cvs up, full base build and 'make release' on i386 it
takes a bit over 3h, and a package bulk build (which uses 3 machines) it
takes a little under 40h.

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