On Jan 27, 2019 12:34 AM, Steve Williams <st...@williamsitconsulting.com> wrote:
> On 26/01/2019 11:03 p.m., ed...@deathstar.my.domain wrote:
> > On Sat, Jan 26, 2019 at 08:53:06PM -0700, Steve Williams wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> I upgraded from OpenBSD 6.3 to OpenBSD 6.4 today.  I upgraded all packages,
> >> switched to php7, etc.
> >>
> >> I've been running OpenBSD since 2.7 so this is a very known process.
> >>
> >> The upgrade went quite smoothly and is working fine except for my email.  I
> >> have massaged the smtpd.conf file to comply with the OpenBSD 6.4 grammar.
> >>
> >> I run a VERY simple smtpd configuration saving in mbox format.
> >>
> >> I am also using procmail to direct emails into various folders, launched
> >> with a .forward.  This has been working since about 2005 :), historically
> >> with sendmail and more recently, smtpd.
> >>
> >> Unfortunately, email is being written to both my INBOX and the procmail the
> >> folders **incorrectly** post upgrade.
> >>
> >> They are all missing the "From " line that is supposed to indicate the 
> >> start
> >> of a new email message.
> >>
> >> It seems like the email is being passed "raw" to procmail without being
> >> processed by "mail.local" ... or that's my interpretation.
> >>
> >> In the /var/mail/steve file, I can see the following lines prior to the
> >> upgrade:
> >>  From steve+caf_=steve=williams-steve....@williamsitconsulting.com Sat Jan 
> >>26
> >> 09:52:48 2019
> >> ^^^^^^
> >>
> >> After the upgrade, I'm not getting those "From " lines which appear to be
> >> added by mail.local(8):
> >>      Individual mail messages in the mailbox are delimited by an empty line
> >>      followed by a line beginning with the string "From ".  A line 
> >>containing
> >>      the string "From ", the sender's name and a timestamp is prepended to
> >>      each delivered mail message.
> >>
> >> If there is a .forward, does that preclude mail.local from being called?
> >>
> >> When I remove the .forward, incoming mail is written correctly to the 
> >> INBOX.
> >> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> >>
> >> I'm hoping I'm missing something in my simple smptd.conf file... but for 
> >> the
> >> life of me, I cannot figure out what it is.
> >>
> >> Here is my smtpd.conf file:
> >> -----------------------------------
> >> # System aliases file
> >> table aliases file:/etc/mail/aliases
> >>
> >> # Listen on all interfaces as "mail.williamsitconsulting.com"
> >> listen on all hostname "mail.williamsitconsulting.com"
> >>
> >> action "local" mbox alias <aliases>
> >>
> >> # Incoming mail for the two domains.
> >> match from any for domain "williamsitconsulting.com" action "local"
> >> match from any for domain "williams-steve.com" action "local"
> >>
> >> forward file
> >> ----------------
> >> "|/usr/local/bin/procmail"
> >>
> >>
> > Have you searched the list? I'm certain something very similar has been 
> > asked/reported recently.
> >
> > I'm curious if the following would work:
> >
> > action "local" mda "/usr/local/bin/procmail" alias <aliases>
> >
> > good luck,
> >
> > Edgar
> Hi,
> <as a side note, your email deathstar.my.domain doesn't seem to resolve :) >

Sorry. Playing with my mutt config broke it as usual. :)

Thanks for the heads up before too many emails were sent.

> I've searched for a couple of hours on the mail list, google, undeadly, 
> etc.  I might just have tunnel vision, but I can't seem to find anything 
> about this.
> It's definitely related to the 6.3->6.4 smtpd changes.
> I did what you suggested and a quick test reveals that there is no "From 
> " line pre-pended to the mail when it's delivered to my INBOX.
> Here's the end of my /var/mail/steve after a test.  Your's was the last 
> email in my inbox prior to running the test
> -----------------------------------------------------
> Have you searched the list? I'm certain something very similar has been 
> asked/reported recently.
> I'm curious if the following would work:
> action "local" mda "/usr/local/bin/procmail" alias <aliases>
> good luck,
> Edgar
> *********** This should be a line that starts with "From "....
> Return-Path: <st...@williamsitconsulting.com>
> Delivered-To: st...@williamsitconsulting.com
> Received: from localhost (williamsitconsulting.com [local])
>         by williamsitconsulting.com (OpenSMTPD) with ESMTPA id cbf61bbc
>         for <st...@williamsitconsulting.com>;
>         Sat, 26 Jan 2019 23:31:01 -0700 (MST)
> From: Steve Williams <st...@williamsitconsulting.com>
> Date: Sat, 26 Jan 2019 23:31:01 -0700 (MST)
> To: st...@williamsitconsulting.com
> Subject: Teest  of procmail as mda
> Message-ID: <d85da47621edc...@williamsitconsulting.com>
> test

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