Am 3. Februar 2019 16:43:20 MEZ schrieb Chris Narkiewicz <>:
>I'm trying to configure Nextcloud on a subdomain. My config has 2
>vhosts and connection max request body is not respected for my
>default vhost:
>server "default" {
>    listen on * port 80
>    location "/.well-known/acme-challenge/*" {
>        root "/acme"
>        request strip 2
>    }
>    location * {
>        block return 404
>    }
>server "default_tls" {
>    listen on * tls port 443
>    tls certificate ...
>    tls key ...
>    # I must place max request body here, but why?
>    # connection max request body 536870912
>    location * {
>        block return 403
>    }
>nextcloud vhost:
>server "" {
>    listen on * tls port 443
>    ...
>    # this is ignored! It takes setting from "default_tls"!
>    connection max request body 536870912
>server "" {
>    listen on * port 80;
>    location "/.well-known/acme-challenge/*" {
>        root "/acme"
>        request strip 2
>    }
>    block return 301 "$REQUEST_URI";
>When I try PUT a file to, my access.log tells me
>that this request is handled by default_tls:
>default_tls xx.xx.xx.xx - - [03/Feb/2019:14:38:35 +0000] "PUT
>/remote.php/webdav/bigger-file.png HTTP/1.1" 413 0
>For smaller files with body <1024k (default body limit) it works ok:
> xx.xx.xx.xx - - [03/Feb/2019:14:39:51 +0000]
>/remote.php/webdav/smaller-file.png HTTP/1.1" 201 0
>Why is httpd not specting subdomain config?

I think it's because all your servers are listening on all ip addresses for tls 
and httpd cannot determine the "hostname" of the server you're requesting
So it takes the *first*... The default. Define a IP to listen for nextcloud.... 
and it should work.


sent from my mobile device

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