I wanted to fetch a remote ssh port into my home computer which is behind
the cable modem and the NAT that the cable system is doing on the address
it's DHCP gave out to me.  That way I could, from any third location, say
from my laptop on the road, ssh into my home computer through the tunnel
that ssh establishes.

I was successful in doing this under the circumstances where I assigned a
spare IP address as a second alias to the machine where I wanted to
establish the remote open end of the tunnel.

First I modified the /etc/ssh/sshd_config in the remote computer so that I
had the parameter:

GatewayPorts clientspecified

instead of the default which is "no".

Then I issued a

ssh -R aliasIPaddress:22:localhost:22 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

and left it running.

Then I signed into a third site and did a


and after giving my password at my home computer everything worked great.
I could see that as soon as I listed the contents of my home directory, I
was in the home computer rather than the one at the remote site.  That
way I would be able to initiate a connection into my home computer even
though it was behind a NAT.

Now the aliasIPaddress "binding" is supposed to be optional, and I thought
that instead of using up a IP address at the remote site, it would be nice
to just set up listening on, say, port 435 for ssh and just forward that
particular port to the home machine.

Accordingly I set up listening on two ssh ports in the sshd_config of the
remote machine.

Port 22
Port 435

and I changed the other parameter to:

gatewayPorts yes

Which means, to my understanding, that a forwarded port on any address
would be allowed.

Then I tried:

ssh -R 435:localhost:22 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The ssh above did connect, but I saw an error message (approx:) "remote
port forwarding failed".   And attempts to connect from a third (outside)
site like:

ssh -p 435 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

half worked, but left me at the remote site -- in other words the port
forwarding didn't work, as anticipated by the error message in trying to
set up the tunnel.

All three sites are Intel.  The remoteIP is OpenBSD3.8 and the home
machine is 3.7.

Before I dig into every possible bit of ssh history, configuration and
software setups, it there anyone out there successfully using port
fetching (with -R, as opposed to port forwarding with -L) who could discuss
it a bit with me?



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