Z Ero <zerotetrat...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> Curious if there is a facility to save system memory state to disk for
> recovery such as is done the ZZZ (hibernate) command without actually
> powering down? Could be useful to return to a previous active memory
> state for devices that are not on UPS or not closely monitored but do
> preform non-scripted batch work.
> So, for example if there is a transient power interruption on
> 03-05-2019 at 12 AM the device could be configured just to reboot to
> the state it was in at 03-04-2019 at 12 AM where it was doing similar
> work. I don't mean load a file back up but reload a previous active
> memory / process state as if returning from hibernate.
> Thus to enable this hibernate style dumps would be saved periodically
> by cron for example.
> I understand that for some dumping active memory to disk without
> powering down might present a security concern but this is not a
> problem for my application.

What you are asking for is impossible to do correctly, because files
will be open.  As a result, the filesystem image you return to will be
incoherent with respect to the open vnodes.

I mean, it can be done.  It just will have so many artificial deficits
at the low-level that it won't suit the high-level purpose you intend

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