On Fri, Mar 08, 2019 at 12:03:25PM +0100, Michał Koc wrote:

> Hi all,
> We have a triple redundant vpn gateway setup with sasyncd running and tons
> of tunnels, about 1000 flows.
> Looking at the graph of memory usage, you can clearly see that something is
> sucking up the memory.
> The graph can be viewed here: https://pasteboard.co/I4sjzQ8.jpg
> Looking at the ps, sasyncd shows huge memory consumption:
> USER         PID       %CPU  %MEM   VSZ          RSS        TT STAT 
> _isakmpd 33560  0.0       17.0        699264   708508 ?? S       
> 26Feb19        6:58.81  /usr/sbin/sasyncd
> It only happens on the master node. Slaves do not show such a behavior.
> There is nothing about sasyncd in the logs.
> After sasyncd restart memory consumption is minimal, but tends to grow.
> Is it normal ? or am I missing something ?
> Best regards
> M.K.

This is not normal. You could try to run with -vv to see if some error
path is taken that triggers a leak.


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