> On 27 Mar 2019, at 14:46, <s...@tutamail.com> <s...@tutamail.com> wrote:
> this is real issue i see time & time again and it's really frustrating...the 
> op asked a question and rather than answering his question we put our 
> personal preferences forward. TOXIC 

Ah I never feel offended by the occasional 
"use X instead” it’s a valid suggestion as long as
reason is stated. Everybody has their reasons.
Though, true, 
“I never asked for this” - Adam Jensen 

> OP use .xsession instead of .xinintrc

perfect answer

> also OpenBSD is known for their quality of man pages...please use these top 
> quality man pages

I know it for the quality man pages
plus it’s the only OS that truly installs
anywhere I try.

> checkout:
> man afterboot
> man man
> Hope you enjoy your time with OpenBSD

Thanks, have a nice day too.

>> 27 Mar 2019, 13:20 by def...@posteo.de:
>> Tip : use CWM
>> You don't need to install extra software like i3 becouse of cwm is a part of 
>> the OpenBSD X.org installation.
>> its clean, secure , lightweight and efficient window manager for X11

Frankly I have tired cwm and although
I really appreciate the source style, 
I always end up feeling handicapped
compared to i3wm.
You should look at the video under i3wm.org <http://i3wm.org/>
It’s a BSD licensed tiling wm that does vertical
and horizontal automatic window splitting for 
arbitrarily complex layouts.
It’s like going from nano to vim.
CWM is my preferred base wm though.

>>> On 27 Mar 2019, at 14:05, Johan Huldtgren 
>>> <johan+openbsd-m...@huldtgren.com> wrote:
>>> $ cat ~/.xsession
>>> # disable system beep
>>> xset b off
>>> # lock display
>>> xidle -timeout 300 &

Those are neat suggestions,
haven’t tried autosleep on display yet
should look into man xidle

>>>> On 27 Mar 2019, at 14:01, Christopher Turkel 
>>>> <turkel.christop...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> create an .xsesson in your home directory file and put in it something 
>>>> like:
>>>> xterm &
>>>> exec i3
>>>> then chmod +x .xsession
Ahhh, dammit xsession not xinitrc. 
You see I have a bunch of OpenBSD installs,
not all up to date
and I always forget when things change-.-

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