On Sun, Apr 21, 2019 at 09:53:52AM +0000, Mik J wrote:

> Hello,
> I read the man but it's not so clear to me
> https://man.openbsd.org/spamd#SYNCHRONISATION
> a) I chose unicast synchronisation but I don't know which port should I open 
> on the firewall ?
> Is it going to use the spamd-cfg service ?

It will use spamd-sync (udp port 8025)

> b) The synchronisation section mention a key and there's an option -K 
> regarding that key but in the example the -K option is not used. So it's not 
> clear.

-K is optional. BUt if you use it, all instances syncing should use
the same key.

> c) It's not clear which instance is going to contact which. Is there a 
> master/slave relationship ? What if one IP is WHITELIST on one instance and 
> BLACKLIST on the other.
> Also should I use the -Y option on both instances ? Both are going to try to 
> start a tcp session ?

It's symmetrical. All spamd's send updates to each other. No tcp
involved, only udp. Specify A's IP on B and vice-versa.

> d) The message digest is calculated in md5 ?

It uses a sha1 hmac message authentication code, so no md5 digest.

> e) Should I specify the -M option on all instance or just on the low priority 
> MX, which IP adress should I specify the one on that host or the remote MX
> Thank you

Never used -M myself, but reading spamd.conf it looks like you only
specify an -M IP on the host serving that IP. Note that -M is


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