On 2006.02.13, at 10:27 AM, J.C. Roberts wrote:

I know of no hardware "query" to determine supported character modes and
when I think about it, the task might actually be impossible; your
system graphics/video/framebuffer "card" may support some character mode that your monitor/terminal does not support. Since there is no feed back

Aren't character modes built into displays a thing of older displays and
terminals? I thought that when a modern video card is in a text mode, it
is actually rendering bitmapped text characters to a bitmapped frame
buffer, which then gets sent to the display like any other image at that
given resolution?

But this resolution is limited to that which the card uses and going
beyond that would require a software controlled text to high-res
frame buffer?

Shane J Pearson        shanejp netspace net au                       ->|

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