I saw this option
Not exactly what I want:

"~ $ setxkbmap -query
rules:      base
model:      pc105
layout:     us,ru
options:    grp:alt_space_toggle"

I would like to know whether it is "en" or "ru" right now

Best Regards
Maksim Rodin

28.05.2019, 15:41, "Robert Klein" <rokl...@roklein.de>:
> On Tue, 28 May 2019 14:50:30 +0300
> Максим <a23s4a2...@yandex.ru> wrote:
>>  Hello,
>>  The following command is run from my .xsession file to allow me to
>>  switch between english and russian layout: "setxkbmap -layout "us,ru"
>>  -option grp:alt_space_toggle"
>>  But how can I view the current input layout?
> “man setxkbmap” says:
> [...]
>        -query With this option setxkbmap just prints the current rules,
>                model, layout, variant, and options, then exits.
> [...]
> Best regards
> Robert
>>  --
>>  Maksim Rodin

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