Matthias Kilian wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 13, 2006 at 02:00:24PM -0500, Daniel Ouellet wrote:
> > I would expect the people writing books, specially on OpenBSD to know a
> > lots more then me, so that I can learn from them, but if what
> you say is
> > true, it make me question my idea and intention of buying the book to
> > start with! No offense to the author if they are great, I don't know,
> > but then, they should pay more attention who they work with
> don't you think?
> Keep cool. Quoting from the Acknowledgements:
>   ...
>   The following people all provided feedback on one or more chapters
>   of this book, or answered specific questions on frequently-misunderstood
>   aspects of OpenBSD, and as such deserve my heartfelt thanks. Some
>   of them are OpenBSD crown princes, and others are just users who
>   were trying to figure out what their computer was actually doing.
>   What I've done right is thinks to them, and what I've done wrong
>   is my own fault. They are, in alphabetical order: Shawn Carroll,
>   Chris Cappucio, Dave Feustel, Thorsten Glaser, Daniel Hartmeier,
>   Jason Houx, Volker Kindermann, Anil Madhavapeddy, U.N. Owen (aka
>   dreamwvr), Francisco Luis Roque, Srebrenko Sehic, Matt Simonsen,
>   Sam Smith, Duncan Matthew Stirling, Peter Werner, and Jason Wright.
>   A special thanks goes out to Theo de Raadt, for taking time out of his
>   fiendishly busy schedule to provide special insight into the innards
>   of OpenBSD, for not holding back when I goofed, and especially for
>   sticking to his standards of freedom, despite everything the world has
>   to say on that subject.
>   ...
> *Feedback* may mean anything, from simple spelling errors to better
> examples or pointing out of errors.
> So please don't misjudge the book just because of a single person
> involved.
> Ciao,
>       Kili

It would appear that he is a dabbler, and likes to talk a good game.
I haven't seen anything that indicates that he's actually _done_ anything.
Dabbled in lots and no shortage of opinions.
(Sounds a lot like me, but I'm not dumb enough to post questions about why
this old Windows 98 laptop got hacked. (Actually it doesn't. Armed Puffy
Wallpaper must be effective. It _is_ better than anything Microsoft has

Dating from 2001-01-06
"Porting cygwin to Windows CE will be a nearly impossible task,
especially if you (Dave) are having problems just locating subscribing
to the mailing list and finding the Makefile. This indicates to me that
you probably are not fully aware of the amount of effort required."

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