Mon, 1 Jul 2019 12:52:56 -0700 Michael Forney <>
> On 2019-07-01, Roderick <> wrote:
> > Namely, the only free implementation of EGL is Mesa 3D. And EGL is
> > needed by Wayland.  
> I'm not an OpenBSD user, just an interested bystander, but I want to
> point out that the second part of this statement is false. Wayland
> also supports shared memory buffers. In fact, I'm writing this message
> from a Wayland desktop that has no GL whatsoever.

Michael, since you are not an OpenBSD user..  please, tell us more about
this software that is not part of, and does not (yet) run on our OpenBSD
systems.  You can't really get us more interested in our graphics stack.
But please, use reddit to tell us more since we're not reading it there.

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