On 7/8/19 10:57 PM, mazoc...@disroot.org wrote:

We all know that bugs don't get fixed without backtraces.

After few years of using OpenBSD I am annoyed to get mocked for not
sending backtraces, but why I don't send them? The answer is: OpenBSD
doesn't provide software packages with debugging symbols.

Do I look like a Gentoo user? It's not cool to leave no choice to bug
reporters but to make them rebuild all ports they use with:
$ env CFLAGS='-pipe -g' DEBUG=-g make -j $(sysctl -n hw.ncpu) reinstall

The current OpenBSD is definetely not friendly to bug reporters, so
don't blame me when I refuse to send backtraces, I am simply not in mood
to rebuild software when it shouldn't be necessary, I value my time.

For heavens sake, why don't you compile the code with symbols?  If you
have the ability to go inside and look for problems, you can compile
stuff yourself.  If you're going to submit a patch you have to build
to test the fix!

--STeve Andre'

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