> On 2019-07-09, ropers <rop...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Just for the record, I think *my* (not the OP's) problem when trying
>> to grep fstat results was that unlike lsof, fstat didn't show the
>> former file names (hence unlinked); it only showed inodes, so I never
>> got the "find this former file" part to work on OpenBSD.
>> I have since found this blog post, where your man seems to have had
>> the same problem, and where he had written a script with ncheck_ffs(8)
>> to hack his way around that. That's a 13 year-old post though, and I
>> haven't tried it:
>> http://geek00l.blogspot.com/2006/03/openbsd-fstat-vs-lsof.html
>> There used to be an OpenBSD lsof port, as per what's listed on
>> ports.su, but there's no amd64 package now, and I never got that port
>> to work either.

On 09/07/2019, Stuart Henderson <s...@spacehopper.org> wrote:
> The lsof port didn't display filenames. That information is not
> available on OpenBSD (and is not trustworthy on other OS either;
> files could have been moved/replaced since opening).

Interesting. Thanks.
Is the (un)availability of filename info a feature of the filesystem
(ext2/3/etc vs FFS) or of the OS?
Are there security implications to this info being available/unavailable?


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