
I have a question regarding the IPv6 behavior of OpenBSD compared to Linux/FreeBSD. I tried to configure a static IPv6 address on my VPS.

From my provider, I got the following data:

IP Address: 2a01:4f8:c2c:76ef::/64
Gateway: fe80::1

So I configured my interface:

$ cat /etc/hostname.vio0
inet6 2a01:4f8:c2c:76ef::1 128

$ cat /etc/mygate

Which results in:
       lladdr 96:00:00:2a:a9:8b
       index 1 priority 0 llprio 3
       groups: egress
       media: Ethernet autoselect
       status: active
       inet6 fe80::72f2:b265:b89c:b4ec%vio0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x1
       inet6 2a01:4f8:c2c:76ef::1 prefixlen 128

$ route -n show
Destination Gateway      Flags Refs Use Mtu Prio Iface
default     fe80::1%vio0 UGS      0  26   -    8 vio0

$ ndp -an
Neighbor                       Linklayer Address Netif Expire    S Flags
2a01:4f8:c2c:76ef::1           96:00:00:2a:a9:8b  vio0 permanent R l
fe80::1%vio0                   d2:74:7f:6e:37:e3  vio0 8h32m58s  S R
fe80::3452:7ff:fe83:fa7b%vio0  d2:74:7f:6e:37:e3  vio0 10h9m34s  S R
fe80::72f2:b265:b89c:b4ec%vio0 96:00:00:2a:a9:8b  vio0 permanent R l

While this configuration (just setting IP and gateway) leads to a
working IPv6 connectivity on Linux and FreeBSD, it does not on OpenBSD
and it took me while to figure out why.

While pinging an IPv6 only address, tcpdump revealed the following line
repeating over and over again:

$ tcpdump -i vio0 ip6
21:50:58.688256 fe80::3896:ecff:fe78:2702 > ff02::1:ff2a:a98b: \
   icmp6: neighbor sol: who has fe80::9400:ff:fe2a:a98b

I then added the address fe80::9400:ff:fe2a:a98b as alias to my

Now IPv6 works like a charm:

$ ifconfig vio0
       lladdr 96:00:00:2a:a9:8b
       index 1 priority 0 llprio 3
       groups: egress
       media: Ethernet autoselect
       status: active
       inet netmask 0xffffffff
       inet6 fe80::72f2:b265:b89c:b4ec%vio0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x1
       inet6 2a01:4f8:c2c:76ef::1 prefixlen 128
       inet6 fe80::9400:ff:fe2a:a98b%vio0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x1

$ ndp -an
Neighbor                       Linklayer Address Netif Expire    S Flags
2a01:4f8:c2c:76ef::1           96:00:00:2a:a9:8b  vio0 permanent R l
fe80::1%vio0                   d2:74:7f:6e:37:e3  vio0 8h20m39s  S R
fe80::3452:7ff:fe83:fa7b%vio0  d2:74:7f:6e:37:e3  vio0 9h57m15s  S R
fe80::72f2:b265:b89c:b4ec%vio0 96:00:00:2a:a9:8b  vio0 permanent R l
fe80::9400:ff:fe2a:a98b%vio0   96:00:00:2a:a9:8b  vio0 permanent R l

My assumption is, that the gateway definition of fe80::1 instructs the OS to "look around for a router". The router then offers(?) a new fe80 Address to communicate with my interface. But my interface doesn't know
about it and ignores the request.

My assumption is probably wrong. Can someone help me to understand this scenario and how to make it work in OpenBSD without having to play with

Wasn't the router supposed to talk to me via fe80::72f2:b265:b89c:b4ec?
Or should OpenBSD have assigned fe80::9400:ff:fe2a:a98b automatically as alias?

Compared with FreeBSD on a VM next to the OpenBSD one:

$ ifconfig vtnet0
vtnet0: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 1500
       options=[...line too long...]
       ether 96:00:00:2a:c9:de
       inet6 2a01:4f8:c2c:70f1::1 prefixlen 64
       inet6 fe80::9400:ff:fe2a:c9de%vtnet0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x1
       inet netmask 0xffffffff broadcast
       media: Ethernet 10Gbase-T <full-duplex>
       status: active
       nd6 options=21<PERFORMNUD,AUTO_LINKLOCAL>

Here I see fe80::9400:ff:fe2a:c9de%vtnet0 set as local alias
automatically. I'm not sure how this address is being generated and/or communicated between the OS and the router. But apparently there is a mismatch between router and OpenBSD, but not on Linux and FreeBSD.

Am I missing something?

Best Regards,

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