Thanks for the configs ! 

I have got it to work as only either only working with my internal zone records 
or working with everything else

Unbound ignores when i put a forward-zone: name: ".testing" when i have another 
forward-zone: name: "."

Does anyone know how this could be done ? I have nsd running the zone records 
for .testing and it works when i only have the .testing forward-zone in the 
unbound.conf , does anyone know what im doing wrong ? 

On July 27, 2019 1:35:55 AM GMT+03:00, Vijay Sankar <> wrote:
>Quoting Stuart Henderson <>:
>> No - you wouldn't do it with Unbound which is a *recursive* DNS  
>> server, you would use an authoritative one like NSD, PowerDNS, Knot  
>> or BIND. All you would do with Unbound is use stub-zone to point it  
>> at an authoritative server.
>> -- 
>>  Sent from a phone, apologies for poor formatting.
>> On 26 July 2019 11:05:44 Flipchan <> wrote:
>>> Can you link to any guides or pratical howtos on how to pratically  
>>> do that with unbound ?
>>> Thanks
>>> On July 25, 2019 9:32:29 PM GMT+03:00, Stuart Henderson  
>>> <> wrote:
>>> On 2019-07-25, Flipchan <> wrote:
>>> Greetings everyone,
>>> Does anyone have a good solution for syncing unbound configuration
>>> i have the senario where i have two internal LAN's that in two  
>>> different offices that need to have the same internal
>>> dns system for the local systems, and there is a lot of changes  
>>> being done in the internal zone records so i need
>>> a good way to sync them(the ideal way where to have a similar  
>>> solution like mysql's master-master replication).
>>> Both dns resolvers are running unbound on openbsd 6.5 and right now 
>>> the configuration file is synced with ansible.
>>> Does anyone have a good solution on replicating dns records/configs 
>>> for unbound. In the future it will be scaled
>>> even more so right now is a good time to implement some replication 
>>> for the unbound configs.
>>> Does anyone have a solution for this?
>>> There is people changing the config files on both instances so the  
>>> ideal way would be a replication real time sync function.
>>> Anyone got any ideas?
>>> Thanks in advance
>>> Ciao
>>> flipchan
>>> If multiple sites are updating records in the same internal zone at
>>> times, they would probably be better off with a normal  
>>> authoritative DNS server
>>> serving that zone (with e.g. stub-zone to point unbound at it),  
>>> editing it in
>>> one place, and using normal DNS replication (zone-transfer and
>>> to push the updates.
>>> --
>>> Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
>I have two locations ( and and for quite a 
>while used NSD and Unbound. But switched to the following approach  
>(however my use case is very simple and my networks are small, but it  
>works well for me)
>My unbound.conf on four DNS servers have
>include: "/var/unbound/etc/zonedata"
>I then set up a simple zonedata file on one server with stuff such as:
>local-zone: "" static
>local-zone: "" static
>local-zone: "" static
>local-zone: "" static
>etc. etc.
>Changes to zonedata reflect changes at both locations. Then I just  
>have a rsync process running a few times a day that does the following:
> more
>rsync -av zonedata
>rsync -av zonedata
>rsync -av zonedata
>rsync -av zonedata
>ssh /etc/rc.d/unbound restart
>ssh /etc/rc.d/unbound restart
>ssh /etc/rc.d/unbound restart
>ssh /etc/rc.d/unbound restart
>Obviously I am not sure if this will scale for your requirements but  
>mentioning this just in case it helps.
>ForeTell Technologies Limited
>59 Flamingo Avenue
>Winnipeg, MB, Canada
>R3J 0X6

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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