Thanks to everyone who contributed to this thread; it’s been hella revealing
and illuminating to read all the reasoning and technical considerations that
have driven the design choices and tool selections that have gone into the
OpenBSD Project, especially for someone new to the Project such as myself who
hasn’t had the benefit of experiencing the quarter century of context and the
biases that come with that.

In university courses we’ve been using Git primarily, but I cannot emphasize
enough that I am not a big fan of Git; I find it overly complicated, and it
would not be a good fit for the OpenBSD Project for myriad reasons.  However,
the more I use Mercurial, the more I love it.  I think there are distinct
advantages to a distributed source code management system (I prefer the term
‘source code management’ because to me terms such as ‘software configuration
management’ sound not only pretentious but utterly devoid of meaning) over a
centralized SCM system such as CVS or Subversion.  This article, albeit old and
outdated, does a good job summarizing how I feel about Mercurial vs. Git:


However, as much as I personally love Mercurial (and I really think OpenBSD
developers would honestly like it too for its simplicity compared to systems
like Git), everyone’s thoughtful responses have helped me to appreciate the
complexity of considerations (licensing, additional dependencies that would be
required in base, etc.) involved.  With regard to Subversion vs. CVS, I heard
that Subversion was once marketed as something like “CVS done right,” but to me
personally I don’t feel there is any way that CVS can be “done right,” so to me
Subversion does not represent all that much of an improvement over CVS.

In the end I believe the best tools for the job that both have acceptable
licenses and have the biggest buy-in among all OpenBSD developers should be the
ones used, and to the extent that design decisions continue to be made solely
based on technical considerations and not on dogma or ideology, the OpenBSD
developer community will continue to make the right decisions for the Project.

Thanks for all the insightful and enlightening feedback!

“If you want to change the future, start living as if you’re already there.”  
—Lynn Conway
“If you want to change the future, start living as if you’re already there.”  
—Lynn Conway

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