On Sun, Aug 11, 2019 at 07:17:06AM -0600, Todd C. Miller wrote:
> On Sat, 10 Aug 2019 22:22:05 -0400, "Ted Unangst" wrote:
> > That entire section seems dumb and outdated. I would prefer we
> > simply not give any advice here. Users can figure out what they
> > need to do. Installing the public cert needs to be done on many
> > other machines, not just the one where its generated.
> Fine with me.  I wonder if we shouldn't also mention acme-client
> here too.  Something for another diff...

I was wondering the same actually.

It's interesting to have instruction for generating self-signed cert but
most people will want a cert that others will validate so it makes sense
to at least extend the man page (in another diff) in my opinion.

Gilles Chehade                                                 @poolpOrg

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