On 2019-08-14, Consus <con...@ftml.net> wrote:
> On 15:30 Wed 14 Aug, Thomas Bohl wrote:
>> https://marc.info/?l=openbsd-announce&m=156577865917831&w=2
>> > We are pleased to announce that we now also provide selected binary
>> > packages for the most recent release. These are built from the -stable
>> > ports tree which receives security and a few other important fixes:
>> Thank you!
>> That is really cool.
> A decade or two late,

What a great attitude, really makes you want to spend time on helping
such people...

Anyway there did used to be updated -stable packages for a similar set
of arches as the new builds, that was done until somewhere around 4.6,
so not only is your "decade or two late" comment a bit off, it is also

It didn't stop before because "OpenBSD isn't doing this", it stopped
because there was nobody interested enough to put in the work needed.

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