On Thu, Sep 05, 2019 at 09:51:47PM -0400, Ian Darwin wrote:
> Nice post but:
> On 9/5/19 20:41, Jonathan Drews wrote:
> > 2) Add the following line to your /etc/rc.conf.local file:
> > pkg_scripts=cupsd.
> No need to manually edit that. Just do
> ?????? doas rcctl enable cupsd
> > Reboot the computer to make sure CUPS is
> > running.
> No need to reboot at that point. Just do:
> ?????? doas rcctl start cupsd

I used the above configuration because the man page for rc.conf.local
said to. From man (8) rc.conf:

     Do not start the dhcpd(8) daemon when booting the system:

 Run /etc/rc.d/messagebus then /etc/rc.d/cupsd with the start
argument at
     boot time, and in reverse order with the stop argument at

           pkg_scripts=messagebus cupsd

I don't use the message bus so I just used:

I use the advice of the man pages first and foremost. 

My main purpose in posting this was to show you where to get the
*.ppd file. The other steps are just for context.

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